A message from our founder

Aloha and mahalo for being here in these prophetic times.

We are all tribal peoples. All of us. Not too many years ago, we all had culture, rooted in place, rooted in tradition, rooted in honoring Earth. Somewhere along the line, due to colonialist systemic forces that have planted their seeds within our hearts and minds, so many of us have strayed so far that we don’t know how to get back. We’ve been spun around by commodified versions of new age spirituality, and misled by capitalist consumerist notions of success. We’re searching for belonging in belongings and being possessed by our possessions. We’re being told we are supposed to transcend, when really the route is to descend; to return to the soil of our souls with Earth as our guide.

Sixth Sun Immersions is here with the aim to support us in changing all of that. Our immersions are rooted in culture first, since culture is the steward and protector of place-based spiritual wisdom, guardians of the medicines and Earth as a being, and the holders of pragmatic ways of life that regenerate our hearts, and souls. These immersions are a taste of remembrance, to where we came from, and where we are going. They are for remembering the future in a beautiful way.

We’ve based Sixth Sun Immersions in the form of a triangle, with three main nodes or components: 

  • Original People’s (indigenous) cultural principles & cosmovision, shared and guided by elders and ancestral wisdom guardians;

  • Integrated ceremonial plant medicine experiences and rituals led by these cultural guardians;

  • Workshops and activities that enable our inner healing to ripple into collective external regenerative systems change praxis rooted in solidarity and justice. 

The intention with all of our immersions is to root our human family back into a kin-centric and multi-dimensional comprehension of the perspectives, rituals and life-ways needed to navigate these liminal and prophetic times that we all find ourselves in while simultaneously utilizing travel as a vehicle for the expansion of our humanity. Our shared journey at this point in time, as the generations in the bridging-time, is to reconnect with our deep purpose as stewards and allies of this incredible being called Earth utilizing our unique gifts. This nexus point of culture, plant medicine and regenerative systems is a key in remembering forward the change we wish to see within ourselves, our families, communities and the world.

None of this would be able to unfold for us without the gracious continued guidance and support of the elders & cultural guardians. I am grateful that my learning and un/learning experiences from traveling around the world to over fifty-five countries in thirteen years on six continents has enabled me to poetically integrate these contextual intelligences as to offer all our relatives with these incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to bridge our mindset, worldview and actions between the ageless wisdom of cultural traditions globally and the next paradigm of the systems that will enable humanity’s survival and conscious evolution with Earth. As Martín Prechtel says, it is time for us to become ancestors worth descending from.

With love and respect,

Ryan (Ra)